
Posts Tagged ‘Clissold Park’

The other London- Stoke Newington

March 27, 2013 1 comment

It’s a sunny morning in England, but it is still very cold. I’m going up to London today. Just a year ago this wouldn’t have been such pleasure for me, because I only knew the tourist London. Not that it is not pretty, but it’s just not the “real” London. Now I know some parts of the “real” London, I’m very excited about going there again. Somehow London seems to me like a series of many villages. The “village”, I’m going to today is called Stoke Newington. It is located in the North of London. Particularly noteworthy is the “Abney Park Cemetery”, a great cemetery. Not as well known and crowded as Highgate. A walk through “Clissold Park” is a must to if you go there. And afterwards I’m going to enjoy a burger at the “Daniel Defoe”. World class!

Anyone who has seen much of the tourist London should have a look around Stoke Newington. It’s arty, it’s classy. I love it!

Abney Park Chapel

Abney Park Chapel

Clissold Park

Clissold Park